Master of Education
KPT/JPS (KN 9151) 8/13, A 9151
The Master of Education (M.Ed) Programme is aimed at individuals who are interested in enhancing their professional competency and knowledge in the challenging education sector be it public or private sectors. Students will be afforded a choice of specialised areas of education including E Learning or Teaching English As A Second Language, Curriculum and Instructional Design etc.. Course Duration : 5 semesters OR, 20 months OR, 2 years Intakes : January, May and September
Mode of Delivery Student can choose to pursue this programme FULLY ONLINE or BLENDED MODE where face-to-face tutorials are provided in our OLYMPIA COLLEGE Learning Centres.
Entry Requirements : To be admitted into a Master of Education programme, a person must:
Possess a degree in education approved by AeU Senate, OR
Possess a degree and teaching experience or related experience for a period of 2 years
Open Entry : at least 35 years old and possess STPM/ Diploma or its equivalent OR
Relevant experience, OR
Other qualifications recognised by the AeU Senate
Learning Objectives
Able to analyse current trends and issues in education.
Able to promote the effective use of technology in a learner-centred environment.
Able to engage in critical and reflective analysis leading to the integration and application of a variety of research-based methods and processes in the classrooms.
Able to conduct and report research that contributes to the solution and development of a positive intellectual climate in various educational settings.
Able to assume instructional and curriculum leadership roles in their respective educational institutions.
Able to adopt multiple approaches in assessing and evaluating diverse student learning.
No. of Subjects 13 + 1 Project Paper Assessment Coursework - 60% Final Exam: 40% Subjects : Core
Research Methods in Education
Statistics in Education
Qualitative Research Methods in Education
Philosophical Ideas in Education
Sociology of Education
Learning and Cognition
Educational Assessment
Curriculum Design and Development
Models of Instruction
Fundamentals of Instructional Technology
Specialisation as below
Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)
Curriculum & Instruction
Educational Management
Instructional Technology
Specialisations (Choose 1)
Teaching English As A Second Language
Teaching Literature in English As A Second Method
Issues and Methods in Teaching English As A Second Language
Research in Teaching English As A Second Method
Project Paper in Teaching English As Second Method
Curriculum and Instruction
School Curriculum
Curriculum of the Future
Research in Curriculum & Instruction
Project Paper in Curriculum & Instruction
Educational Management
Concepts and Theories in Educational Management
Emerging Perspectives in Educational Leadership
Research in Educational Management
Project Paper in Educational Management
Instructional Technology
Web-based Learning
Principles of Instructional Design
Research in Instructional Technology
Project Paper in Instructional Technology
EPF & HRDF Claimable : Yes (For Malaysians only) Final Award : Master of Education Awarding Body :Asia e University
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